Experimentation of a cybersecurity observatory
During a program eligible for the "Mutualized licenses for cybersecurity" aid from the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI), Serenicity was able to participate in the CD42 project.
In order to protect the communes of the Loire, Serenicity has equipped various communes of the Loire with Detoxio.
The SDTAN (Schéma Directeur Territorial d'Aménagement Numérique) is a structuring plan drawn up by the Loire Department in collaboration with all the digital players, including Serenicity. One of the SDTAN's actions aims to support the 323 communes of the Loire in their current and future digital challenges, by proposing innovative solutions in terms of cybersecurity, digital sobriety and the development of connected and sustainable territories.
More information on CD42's digital policy.
The cyberweather provides an accurate diagnosis of the number and type of computer attacks on an information system.
It is presented in a simple and understandable form, similar to a weather forecast. It can be used to generate cyber weather bulletins and to monitor the number of attacks in real time.
Cyberweather is made possible by patented precision cyber security hardware and software solutions that identify and block toxic flows on digital networks.
As of December 2022, the system has already been tested by 24 municipalities, and has earned the Loire Department and Serenicity several awards at the 2022 "Les Cas d'Or" event.
Read the article on the Cas d'Or